Business and Transformation Project
What are the markers of a business project or transformation project for KEPLER?
- A kind of radicalism: a gap between the starting point and the target or a need to change the present situation
- A multi-dimensional & human complexity (affects several functions of the company)
- A kind of emergency: waiting is not an option anymore
- A need to generate movement and succeed in mobilizing actors / stakeholders over time
- A strong dimension of change support
Depending on the corporate culture and/or the related scopes, these projects are also called MTP (Medium Term Plan) or strategic plan (operational version of the strategy).
Business and Transformation Project: The KEPLER Approach
In a world where change became a permanent state, how do you get a company and its ecosystem on board to drive the dynamics of transformation and achieve lasting results?
With the experience of numerous transformation projects deployed with our clients, our approach focuses on simple principles:
- Aiming for the “desired end state”
- Defining practical “transformation markers”
- Aligning COMEX with strategic intentions, seeking “hard” consensus
- Co-designing, co-building with the teams and the ecosystem
- Capitalizing on early successes
- Objectively building on lessons learned from failures
An End-To-End Expertise
We are able to take action in the transformation of the entire business value chain thanks to our 6 practices, our recognized areas of expertise, our strong presence in more than 15 business sectors, our international team of more than 90 consultants, and our dynamic ecosystem.
This is a guarantee of success in addressing:
- The various issues encountered or anticipated by the environment…
- … with the impacts of transformations on the various functions and partners…
- … while maintaining the overall and transversal vision of the company…
- … and by securing the consistency of the transformation trajectory
KEPLER Touch: the Ability to Mobilize and Create a Dynamic Until the Result is Achieved
The transformation will yield its full results only if all employees and the ecosystem are fully embedded in the transformation dynamic. Therefore, we have developed different methods to maintain it throughout the project and successfully mobilize the actors/stakeholders:
- Animation of COMEX seminars to align visions and converge on action levers
- Integration of strategic and middle management to co-construct a “how” that makes sense in relation to the trajectory of change
- Involvement of employees and the ecosystem at different “moments” of the project and related to different roles so that everyone can be a transformation actor in a project that does not run out of steam
- Contribution of business expertise (benchmark and good practices) both on the major challenges of the company and on the execution of the strategic plan for each of its businesses (anticipation, feedback, and change management)
- Commitment of KEPLER consultants close to your teams that carry the culture of results in their DNA, to embody the dynamics and the ripple effect
“The success of a business project depends on few commonsense principles: clarifying the intention, aligning the COMEX, getting the management on board, maintaining the dynamic over time by spreading out the initiatives, leaving autonomy on the ‘how’, and managing the achievement of the result with the teams.”Thierry FOUILLAND, Partner
A Tooled and Personalized Approach Adapting to Different Contexts
Our experience has shown us that each transformation project is unique due to its different parameters: targeted objectives, level of urgency, impacts, level of team support, desired level of involvement, ability to instill a project culture versus “run”… This is why, for each project, we design a completely customized approach that relies on capitalized methodological bricks and experienced teams who know how to activate the levers with the greatest impact:
- “Turnkey” animation approaches from strategic seminar to general mobilization
- Experience in supporting transformations with approaches that combine physical and digital (workshops in “design mode”, hackathons, experiential approaches, digital consultation tools, etc.)
- Facilitation and management over time of the transformation dynamics and the gain trajectory which mixes KPIs and “visible” markers of transformation
- Recognized pragmatism, sector expertise, a wide range of skills
- A know-how based on our human skills and our agile coaches
Briefly, a Business and Transformation Project by KEPLER is:
End-to-end expertise based on 6 practices (Innovation, Procurement, Supply Chain, Operations, Sales & Marketing and People) and different cross-functional skills (Talent Management and Change Management, CSR, PMO, IS for Business, Digital and Data Management…)
Very good knowledge of 15 sectors (industry, cosmetics, energy, health, luxury, distribution, banking and insurance, etc.) in France and abroad, allowing us to:
- Know the specific challenges and the transformations of each profession
- Cross visions to share good inter-sector practices
Know-how in mobilizing teams and leading a dynamic project at all levels of the company and its ecosystem
The experience of field support and measurement of the result to achieve the targeted performance
The starting point: 60 people from 6 different entities who know very little, if anything, about each other. The result: a community of collaborators who are already organizing themselves to work and deliver together.Thibaud De Goësbriand, Transformation Director - VYV Group
This took 7 hours: the time of a seminar to set up this dynamic and cooperative framework through entertainment ("customized escape game"), time for sharing ("Gallery walk") and time for reflection ("Illusionist").
This success is the outcome of a co-construction with KEPLER, who quickly understood the expectations of this crucial day for the VYV group's transformation network, and offered an event perfectly suited to these challenges: thank you.