Logistics Network Design and Optimization
Optimize your logistics network to meet both short and medium-term needs. The network must be sufficiently flexible to accommodate future requirements. KEPLER Supply Chain Consulting Firm’s approach is based on the targeted mapping of inbound and outbound material flows to better understand where opportunities exist. We take into consideration the geopolitical as well as economic challenges in order to create realistic scenarios that achieve cost, service quality, and accessibility requirements.
Planning and Scheduling
Planning and scheduling at a production site are historically the weaker links within an organization’s supply chain. KEPLER Supply Chain Consulting Firm works in a targeted fashion to make processes more consistent/reliable and determine which tools fit the organization’s needs. In our supply chain consulting experience, automation is not always the best solution. We focus heavily on implementing feedback loops between planning and scheduling so that each aligns with the other.
Dimensioning and Warehouse Management
Warehousing needs to be redesigned as a value generator vs. a buffer between production and customers. KEPLER works on all aspects of dimensioning, i.e. surface, storage type/density, material —all focused around customer needs. We build your management system with customized IT tools, indices, and animation.
Inventory Management
In order to optimize inventory management, it is necessary to understand the variables that affect them, namely; procurement, logistics, and warehousing. Our global supply chain consulting expertise in operations makes it possible for us to rank the levers that need to be used: inbound logistics conditions, optimizing management rules, localizing stock, matching with real-time demand, etc. We build and deploy customized action plans in order to reduce stock over time and to develop better working capital requirements.
Improved Service Rate
Service rate is often a forgotten link in the Supply Chain. It is either poorly calculated or poorly shared and is not typically the driver behind customer service or operational excellence. Our efforts are focused on the assumption that the service rate calculation is robust and broadly shared. We then organize workshops to identify and solve the root cause problems driving the poor performance elements. Our methods to implement solutions include; reshaping the S&OP/MPS, reviewing the existing processes, taking an ongoing approach toward improvement using lean solutions, etc.
End-to-End Supply Chain Management
The purpose of the Supply Chain is often limited to logistics or planning instead of embracing a larger responsibility as a facilitator between various company divisions. We work with organizations to identify the Supply Chain ‘perimeter’ that fits your organizational framework. We model its full cost, build new roles and responsibilities and determine performance metrics and routines in order to manage your Supply Chain more efficiently.