Optimizing the Industrial
and Logistics Footprint
of a Medical Devices Manufacturer
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Our client, a medical devices manufacturer, wants to improve its EBITDA by closing a production and logistics site and transferring the activity to its main site. KEPLER offers to implement a strategy based on the formalization of the target organizations and the review of total full costs related to logistics.
A complex industrial and logistical organization: two production sites and four storage sites
Redundant logistics and industrial tasks
Total full costs hard to measure
Transfer impacts – EBITDA, cash flow – uncertain for the Codir
Category: Gaining in Sustainable Productivity
Simplifying physical and information flows
Assessing EBITDA gains including additional costs and CAPEX
Analyzing the risks of an industrial transfer including regulatory impacts
Building a transfer roadmap including the WCR impact, and resources
The main challenge of such a mission is to produce a consistent roadmap, taking into account the construction of a site, business continuity, industrial transfer and regulatory changes, within a maximum of two years.Edouard Alquié, Director