Implementing a new Disruptive Managerial Model Applied
to a Banking Network
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Our client, a retail banking leader, wants to implement a new disruptive managerial model, applied to its banking network. KEPLER offers to implement an approach based on the design of a new “managerial team” network model, replacing the historical position of the Agency Manager.
- Various manager surveys have highlighted the challenges of the Agency Manager function, who must simultaneously: be the chosen intermediary for customer satisfaction, the business development leader, the manager/coach for his teams, the manager of his agency, the compliance manager, the risk guarantor, etc
- The function of Agnecy Manager is no longer attractive and is no longer seen as a career lever
Category: Maximizing the Efficiency of the Distribution Model
- Co-building and deploying a new network managerial model both locally (the Agency Manager) and at the level of the Sales Department (Sector Managers, market facilitation)
- Creating new candidates and avoiding the rise of PSR (Psycho- Social Risks) in this population
This mission was a huge challenge, since it is a 40 years management culture based on the agency manager, the only manager in his agency, which had to be transformed.
Having two pilots was more than helpful to calibrate the model and then test the entire manager and employee support system.
The main key success factor was to focus on the constitution of each managerial teams at the human level before looking into the solutions to be implemented.
In the end, a great pride with the entire KEPLER team for having contributed to the success of this transforming project.