
Our client, a leader in the cosmetics industry, wants to communicate the environmental footprint of its products to its consumers. 

KEPLER proposes the structuration of a program approach and a support on the methodology definition based on environmental impact data analysis and strategic business stakes integration. 


  • High complexity: ACV, understanding of environmental footprints of products, anticipation of stakeholders’ reactions (Competition, EU-French Regulation, consumer association…) 

  • Highly transversal: Operations, Marketing/Brands, R&I, CSR 

  • Executive committee sponsorship 

  • Tight schedule

  • Visibility & Risk: Direct communication to external stakeholders and consumers 


Category: Innovating Sustainably 

  • Analyzing the company products’ catalogs environmental footprints data to assess several potential methodologies for product scoring and labelling 

  • Agile animation of the program streams with the organization of sprints mobilizing key experts 

  • Preparing roll-out strategy in the multiple product categories, brands and countries of the company

The implementation of a product environmental footprint labelling approach is a major stake for B to C companies as it will structure all their product ecodesign strategy. It needs to set-up a robust transformation program organization with agile ways of working in order to mobilize needed experts and take best decisions among all methodology and roll-out options.
Mathieu Pailler, Partner
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