Successful transformation plans and maximized innovation capacities for organizations
Statement 11 Apr. 2022

Successful transformation plans and maximized innovation capacities for organizations

The takeover in 2019 of Sinnogen, an innovation management consulting firm, strengthened KEPLER's positioning for high-impact consulting assignments with innovation or R&D leaders.

Meeting 2022 key challenges

Today, R&D departments are facing 5 major challenges which can be cumulated in specific cases:

  1. Inventing future businesses in conjunction with Executive Management and business
  2. Increasing R&D’s return on investment
  3. Speeding time to market and overall agility of innovation processes
  4. Creating strong dynamics within extended and international R&D communities
  5. Innovating sustainably

The changes resulting from the COVID pandemic, particularly in organizational methods, make these issues more significant than ever.

R&D, today more than yesterday, is a matter of contradictions and tensions, with the challenges of accelerating launches while controlling risks and anticipating the future with breakthrough innovations.
Mathieu Pailler, Partner

Deconstructing the chain

“It is also a question of acting on the organization of entities contributing to innovation and facing the increase in the number of projects and the need to attract new skills, as well as developing processes and operating systems in a Lean R&D logic or to rationalize the portfolios of innovation projects” explains Mathieu Pailler.

KEPLER teams rely on their knowledge of benchmarks and best practices in R&D and innovation to establish a diagnosis and offer a road map and transformation recommendations.

Products design method, time spent, planning and project portfolio, governance, tools and prioritization criteria, and financial resources are all critical points of R&D performance that should be analyzed. The same goes for the ability to innovate.

The innovation model in place is questioned and challenged with regard to best practices: a good organization on incremental innovation can ruin all the efforts in terms of breakthrough innovation, when this is not adapted to this very specific and risky typology of projects.

Creating solutions

Among other subjects, Open Innovation is primarily supported by KEPLER as cross-sector exchanges, along with the contribution of ideas or talents from outside, can be fruitful! Thereby, the firm manages an End to End Open Innovation offer so that each organization explores and develops its ecosystem and can identify new innovative concepts to be embedded into its innovation cycles.

KEPLER also manages a Quick Lean Engineering offer allowing, through a concerted methodology with the teams, to challenge and accelerate the implementation and execution of an innovation project to maximize time to market and return on investment. Finally, regarding the often underused innovation funding, KEPLER has partnered with a sector leader to develop a novel approach enabling a tenfold increase in investment capacities to support the company’s value and performance creation.

Digitalization and environmental impact at the heart of R&D: 2030 vision

By 2030, KEPLER’s will is to support each manufacturer in their R&D transformation plan. Facing data massification and the challenge of leveraging it through innovation, KEPLER’s first priority is to help design a digitalization plan for R&D entities. The other challenge is sustainable innovation, which, at the R&D level, lies in the implementation of eco-design, leading to a thorough transformation of these entities and their technological orientations in the near future.

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