CSR Report of KEPLER - 2023
News Stories, Theme 2 Aug. 2024

CSR Report of KEPLER - 2023

2023 is a pivotal year for KEPLER with two significant events shaping our activities and commitments for the upcoming years:

  • The entry of ANDERA PARTNERS, in collaboration with BPI France, into our capital as a minority shareholder, taking over from ODYSSEE VENTURE, who has been supporting us since 2016. This move enables us to embark on a new stage of our development and elevate our ambitions and management, especially in the CSR domain, where ANDERA drives strong momentum with its contribution
  • The definition of our 2030 CSR strategy, as scheduled in our 2023 action plan, for which we mobilized a large team of employees at all levels of the company

In line with our 2022 achievements, we continued our sustainable approach in 2023 both internally and towards our clients. We maintained strong internal dynamics with enhanced communication, thanks to enriched indicators that now have a robust history to track progress and adjust actions accordingly. Every internal event and governance routine, up to the highest level, systematically includes one or more CSR topics on the agenda.

With the 2030 CSR strategy, we are resolutely changing dimensions, aligning our internal commitments with the directions we intend to take in our consulting business.

This strategy is based on four interrelated pillars:

  1. Exemplary Business Conduct
  2. Environmental Footprint
  3. Employee Well-being and Development
  4. Commitment to Communities

Each pillar is overseen by a sponsor: an executive committee member (COMEX).

This report details the content of the pillars and the actions already completed or in progress, highlighting the richness and complexity of the changes envisaged, and our determination to profoundly change our behaviors for greater sustainability.

We are proud to have built this strategy thanks to the mobilization of many employees who participated in several workshops throughout the last quarter of 2023, resulting in an ambitious plan shared by all.

We leveraged the first months of 2024 to implement this plan, specifically by identifying, largely based on volunteering, a leader for each ambition. This leader is responsible for framing the initial steps with the sponsor and mobilizing a team to start the work. We are pleased to see our teams’ enthusiasm for taking an active part in this journey.

This approach commits us to 2030 with objectives set for each year and forms the backbone of KEPLER’s life for the coming years.

"We look forward to seeing these ambitions come to life, so see you next year for a review of the 2030 CSR strategy Year 1!"
Bernard Ouriou, Partner - CSR Champion
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KEPLER 2023 CSR Report

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